How to Apply

How to Apply for a B.A. with a major in Honors Civics


Prospective students who have graduated from high school and are applying for their first year at any college/university are eligible to apply for admission to UT Austin and the School of Civic Leadership’s B.A. with a major in Civics Honors. Incoming freshmen should apply here:

Application Requirements:

  • Incoming freshmen students apply to the University of Texas Austin through UT Austin Admissions via Common App or Apply Texas.
  • As the B.A. in Civics Honors will not officially begin until Fall 2025, students wishing to major in Civics Honors in calendar year 2024-2025 must select School of Civic Leadership and then “Civic Leadership: Undeclared” as their first choice major within the application.
  • Satisfy all requirement listed on the UT Austin Application Checklist
  • Students applying to the School of Civic Leadership’s B.A. with a major in Civics Honors must answer two short essay questions:
    1. What would you do if you didn’t go to college? (200-word limit)
    2. The inscription on the entrance to Old Main reads, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” What relevance, if any, does this quote have for life in a university or for service in a civic community? (200-word limit)


Calendar of Deadlines:

August 1, 2024 UT Austin application to the School of Civic Leadership opens for Fall 2025 Admission Priority Admission/Early Decision

February 15, 2025 Deadline to submit Texas Exes Scholarship Application

March 1, 2025 Receive admissions decision to UT Austin and the School of Civic Leadership

For more information on the UT Austin Admission Calendar:

Internal Transfer:

The School of Civic Leadership accepts internal applications. Prospective students currently enrolled at UT Austin who wish to transfer from one UT School or College into the School of Civic Leadership must apply for internal transfer through an online application provided by Admissions. Internal Transfers to the School of Civic Leadership from another school should apply here:


Additional Questions:

How can I track the status of my application following submission?

Use MyStatus to track the status of your application.  


What is required to apply to UT Austin?

Review the UT Application Checklist:


You’ll thrive here if you’re committed to:
  • Independent thinking. The School of Civic Leadership seeks students who are excited for the intellectual challenge of asking great questions as they read texts in the Western civilization and the American tradition.
  • Serious study.  A willingness to engage an intellectual inheritance. The School of Civic Leadership seeks students who find the American story worthy of study, where it deserves celebration as well as where it deserves criticism.
  • Interdisciplinary inquiry. The SCL seeks students who want to combine deeper philosophical and historical reflection with social science and economics in order to prepare to take responsibility
  • Work that matters. The School of Civic Leadership seeks students who want to prepare for work in an array of fields, including politics, law, commerce, entrepreneurship, analytics, public policy, military, art and culture, nonprofit, and related civic endeavors
  • Intellectual virtues. The SCL seeks students who want to cultivate intellectual virtues including: presence, attentiveness, respect, desire for truth, willingness to change your mind in pursuit of truth, intellectual courage, intellectual humility, good faith, and charity (good will)
  • Strong academics. A strong high school academic profile, anchored in a desire to understand the world and make life better for others
  • Service.  Commitment to helping others thrive
  • Good faith dialogue.  Willing to engage in civic discourse
  • Community.  Willing to help build a serious intellectual community


How competitive is the School of Civic Leadership?

The B.A. in Civics Honors is highly competitive. We are looking for students who are ready for a robust intellectual challenge.

Ready to thrive in life and in service? Fall 2025 admissions open August 1, 2024