Dan Bonevac
Executive Committee | Affiliated Faculty
Daniel Bonevac is professor of philosophy in the College of Liberal Arts, where he teaches and does research in logic and ethics, especially organizational ethics. His book Reduction in the Abstract Sciences received the Johnsonian Prize from The Journal of Philosophy. His other books include Deduction (Blackwell), Simple Logic (Oxford), Worldly Wisdom (Mayfield), and Historical Dictionary of Ethics (Rowman and Littlefield). Among his edited volumes are Today’s Moral Issues (McGraw-Hill, seven editions) and World Philosophy (Oxford, with Stephen Phillips). Professor Bonevac’s articles have appeared in such journals as Philosophical Review, Mind, Noûs, The Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Synthese, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Ethics, Philosophical Studies, and Erkenntnis. He was Chairman of the Department of Philosophy from 1991 to 2001. He earned his PhD at the University of Pittsburgh.
Email: bonevac@austin.utexas.edu
PhD from the University of Pittsburgh.