For Undergraduates
Society of Fellows
Through the Society of Fellows, the School of Civic Leadership aims to foster a thoughtful admiration for Western Civilization, constitutional government, and economic liberty. The programs of the Society of Fellows include an annual conference at a Texas luxury resort, private seminars with visiting speakers, a bi-monthly book club, and a 10-day stay at a city that holds world cultural significance..
Summer Honors Symposium
The Summer Honors Symposium brings together a community of students and scholars to discuss a theme relevant to the political, ethical, or economic dimension of human liberty. Over the course of three days in early summer, Summer Honors Symposium participants will discuss readings on a that year’s topic as seen from the point of view of philosophy and public policy.
Affiliate Fellows Program
The Affiliate Fellows Program is designed to provide UT students who are interested in the School of Civic Leadership, but who are not currently members of our primary fellowship programs, with an opportunity to get to know our student fellows and staff and to attend several of our private events. Our private events include receptions, lunches, and coffee meetings with invited speakers, where students have the opportunity to ask more involved and conversational questions than public talks or formal seminars can typically accommodate. These events are otherwise only available to our student fellows.